Is Wp-Optimize Cheating PageSpeed and Other Performance Testing Tools? My Opinion!

Divi Engine

My name is Peter Wilkinson, the co-founder of Divi Engine and saw the blog post from WP Tavern.Here is a raw video I have made.I have looked into this myself and feel that it is actually the other way round.Here is a video to show my research.Upon further investigation, I found out that it was actually far from the truth. In reality (from my research) WP-Optimize do not cheat pagespeed tools when you install or minify your Javascript. To cheat the tools, you need to manually add the JS files you want to asynchronous load to a setting that clearly has the label Use this if you have a completely independent script or would like to exclude scripts from page speed tests (PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix…)In my view, Gijo Varghese has used deception to promote Flying Pages and Flying Press.It just goes to show that you should not believe everything you read or hear. Test everything to make sure it is the truth.If I am wrong or have not seen something – I would gladly change my opinion but as of now my video is clear in its findings.WP Tavern article: