Divi Creator Showcase: Divi Extended
Elegant Themes
Shop our Cyber Monday deal ➡️ https://elegantthemes.com/cybermondayCheck out Divi Extended’s products ➡️ https://www.elegantthemes.com/marketplace/author/divi-extended/Introducing Divi Creator Showcase, a new series in which we interview a Divi Creator from our Marketplace–learning all about their story, products, and ongoing journey as part of the Divi Community.We couldn’t be happier to be able to launch this series in conjunction with our Cyber Monday Sale this year. This means that you–the Community–not only get to explore these awesome Divi Creators and their products through the series, but you also get to add their creations to your Divi Toolbox at an amazing discount.Today we are joined by Divi Creators Marshall and Arif of Divi Extended. Divi Extended currently has an astonishing 42 products, ~3,000 sales, and an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars in the Divi Marketplace.➡️ Learn more about Divi: https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi🔵 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elegantthemes/#DiviExtended #Divi #ElegantThemes