Add a Festive Snow Effect to Your Divi Site with Particle JS (without plugins)

Divi Engine

In today’s tutorial, we will show you how to add a festive snow effect to your Divi website using Particle JS, a lightweight JavaScript library that allows you to create all sorts of eye-catching effects. It is super simple and looks great!This tutorial will only take you about 10 minutes and this effect can be applied to any of your existing Divi Pages or Posts. We will create a section that is placed over the canvas using the Divi position settings under the advanced tab, then add some code to set up the Particle JS snow effect.LINKS➤ Text Tutorial with Code:➤ Particle JS:➤ Divi Theme:➤ More Divi Tutorials: Introduction00:37 What is Particle JS?01:24 Setting it Up04:50 Adding the Code for Particle JS07:35 The Details10:04 Conclusion